Saturday, February 11, 2012

Color change and Camouflage Technique

Topic: Animal Symbolism for Death

Personally, I find the cycle of life and death rather fascinating. Fascinating in a sense that it is still a complete mystery how some invisible hand is able to find and pinpoint a balance between the two. In this world, people are born, they live and they die—and are never to be heard of again. Though that may sound a bit too frank and disturbing, one cannot deny that it is the inevitable truth. We all come to that point where we would leave this world, and some new generation would take our place in the future.

So if that’s all there is to it, what exactly is the point of living?

I think that there are two significances of living and life, in general. These are: for us to develop a steady peace of mind and an intellectual satisfaction, and for us to influence and touch the lives of the people around us. We should learn to accept the truth about life and death, and adapt ourselves around it. 

One animal that is very good in adapting and blending is the chameleon. The chameleon’s ability to blend its whole body in different surroundings is a great way of explaining how a person should be able to adjust to any situation that he or she might encounter. He or she shouldn’t give up too easily especially when faced with hardships and trials. This color change and camouflage technique of a chameleon may also mirror the fact that people are also expected to empathize with the people around them. It shouldn’t always be about one person or the other; it must be about the welfare of everyone.

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