Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adoration and Blessedness

Topic: What I learned from my pet

My family adores dogs. In the eighteen years of my existence, I can safely say that we have housed over 20+ dogs already. Don’t get me wrong though; we didn’t house all of them at the same time. Of course, throughout time, some of our dogs passed away, some gave birth and still, some were given away to distant relatives.

At the present, we have five dogs that are in our care (one Dalmatian, two cream-colored Toy Poodles and two brown-colored Toy Poodles.) The two cream-colored Toy Poodles are the only dogs which have ever received ‘special treatment’ in our house though. Our family fell in love with them. The man who sold them to us, told us that they are sisters but this was kind of hard to believe since they do not look nor act the same. The smaller of the two has a black nose and is very outgoing, while the taller one has a brown nose and is very shy and scared.

All of my dogs have somehow touched my life. Although each is different in size, shape and personality, they all taught me the same set of things.

First and foremost, they taught me how to be responsible. The fact that these creatures are so helpless and that their lives depend on me is pushing me to work hard. This responsibility that I learned from taking care of my dogs has greatly helped me develop responsibility towards other important aspects in my life, like my responsibility as a daughter, sister and student.

Second, my dogs taught me the value of loyalty. As we may all know, dogs are very loyal companions especially towards their masters. They stick to their owner’s side thru both the good times and the bad. Like the example given to us by our furry friends, I always exude faithfulness towards my family and friends.

I am thankful for my dogs. They are one of God’s greatest blessings to me.

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