Saturday, March 31, 2012

Dolphin Courtship: Brutal, Cunning and Complex

Some scientists have proclaimed that dolphins are one of smartest creatures next to humans.  This piece gives justice to what scientists have discovered especially since the dolphin’s intelligence is seen throughout their courtship.

Aside from conducting their own form of communication and having the ability to understand and respond to humans, dolphins show intelligence throughout their brutal, cunning and complex courtship. Natalie Angier describes the lovable creatures as turn aggressive, even possessive once they are looking for their partners. Somehow these can be reflected to human behavior as both follow their instincts when it comes to love.

I am impressed on how the author attacked the piece. Usually information-filled essays have the tendency to become a bit draggy and boring. I give kudos to Angier since she was successful in keeping my attention and making me want to finish reading it. 

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