Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Best Friends

Two Views of Mississippi: Comparisons between your pet and best friend

I received my first pet directly after my Ice Skating accident back in 2007. Upon having the doctor’s approval of my discharge, I was sent home after a week of confinement in the Medical City hospital. I was relieved, of course, because somehow staying in a hospital made me feel like something was wrong with me. 

As I step into the familiar cream-colored walls of my living room and take in the sight of everything that I was missing for the past few weeks, I notice that there was a pink striped bag on the bottom of the staircase. I didn’t really mind it at first, but as soon as the bag started moving, I cautiously checked it. It really took me by surprise when I saw that a very fragile, white-cream Toy Poodle with brown nose came out of the bag.

It was my first time to have a dog that I can call my own, so you might as well imagine that I was overly ecstatic. I got more excited when I started playing with her and seeing familiar traits.

In more ways than one, I began seeing some traits in my pet dog (which I decided to name Sparkle) that was also in my best friend, Rissey Reyes. Aside from the obvious fact that they both have curly hair, they exude this aura of comfort. It’s like when I’m with them, they would somehow make my life feel better and more fun. Also, they’re both loyal and dependable. I am able to enjoy their companionship, knowing that they would not disappoint my trust in anyway. I have to admit though, there are times when I seek human companionship over pet companionship or vice versa. It all really depends on my mood. When I want some peace and quiet, I seek comfort from my dog. When I need someone to talk to and give advice, I go to Rissey.

In more ways than I can really tell, I am lucky to have my two best friends with me. 

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