Thursday, March 29, 2012

Halloween Party by Lillian Ross

Like a lot of the readings in our class, Halloween Party by Lillian Ross is another example of how authors use exemplification and enumeration in their essays. This particular essay enumerates what a mother has gone thru in throwing a Halloween party for her beloved son. It accounts all the materials used for decorations, the son’s Dracula costume, the different candies to be given out to trick-or-treaters, etc. It even included the complete inventory of the mother, listing the total cost of all the expenses.

What I appreciate most about this piece is the last line, which goes: “Total investment of emotion and puzzlement: indeterminable.” This line ties up everything in the essay because it would make the reader rethink about everything that the author had described in her previous sentences. Also, I like this line because it verified how true a mother’s love actually is. Readers would understand that the mother in this article doesn’t really care how much the party, itself costs, the only thing that matters for her is her son’s happiness. 

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