Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Feet: The Pleasures of Teen Dance Movies

I absolutely love dance movies. The fact that I’m into dancing as well may have contributed to this strong liking, but after reading Joan Acocella’s essay, I might as well marry dance itself. I’ve gained more insights about how dance was revolutionized and how it brought about changes to people. I also realized that these movies are more than just buck choreographies and hard-rock abs. Each movie is molded around themes that everyone can relate to, such as bravery and social hierarchy.

Acocella was able to list and explain each and every message that these movies portray in a very systematic and orderly manner. She presented a topic sentence for each paragraph, then from there, she constructed and gave examples to support her point. This made reading her essay very easy to follow and very informative at the same time.

One would also note the author’s extensive use of exemplification throughout her essay. She gave readers clear pictures and scenarios from certain movies, which in my opinion, greatly contributed to how well the readers were able to grasp each concept she laid out. Not only that, but such type of writing would make anyone feel that the author was very knowledgeable on the said topic.

I highly encourage everyone to read this essay. I can guarantee you that this essay would leave you wanting to do two things. One: to apply exemplification in your own writings, and; two: to watch a dance movie and see what message it could bring.

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